Oil Exploration Blocks, S.E. Turkiye
Cudi-Gabar Oil Petroleum Province, Turkiye
Status: Seismic acquisition
Trillion’s 10 well oil exploration drilling program 2023 - 2026 will occur on three prospective farmin oil blocks located in the prolific Cudi-Gabar oil province S.E. Turkey. Two blocks are centrally located, and one is to the East; the total acreage of the three blocks is 151,484 hectares (374,325 acres). Trillion has a partial working interest in the blocks earned by paying the work program costs. Trillion will operate the exploration program. During 2023, Trillion earns its working interest by shooting 351 kilometres of 2D seismic and drilling four wells. The remaining 6 wells will be partially paid by Trillion and the other partners.

The oil blocks are surrounded by >10 major oil discoveries, half of which are recent.
Oil Field Exploration Map
The definitions used are those contained in The Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook maintained by the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (Calgary Chapter) ("COGEH") and National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities
Farmin Block Boundaries
Prospective Oil Reserves Areas
TPAO Discovered Oil Pools
Surface Anticline Trend Lines
Seismic Data Collection Area
TPAO Proposed Exploration Wells
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Eastern Block
The block is approximately 15 km by 30 km in size and is approximately 11km from the newly discovered Sehit Aybuke Yalcin Oil Field at Mount Gabar, which contains a reported 1 billion barrels Original Oil in Place⁵ based on a discovery well which encountered a 162 meter thick reservoir with 41 API gravity oil. The Sehit Aybuke Yalcin Oil Field currently produces 10,000 barrels of oil per day which has been targeted to rise to 100,000 bopd⁵. The Eastern Block is also 12km from the Sehit Esma Cevik Oil Field, which contains a reported the 250 million barrels OOIP². The Sehit Esma Cevik Oil Field discovery was announced in December 2022 at which time 5 wells were producing 5,350 bopd and has been reported in May 2023 to be producing about 10,000 bopd². The exploration term for the Eastern Block extends until December 16, 2028.
The block is approximately 15 km by 30 km in size and is approximately 11km from the newly discovered Sehit Aybuke Yalcin Oil Field at Mount Gabar, which contains a reported 1 billion barrels Original Oil in Place⁵ based on a discovery well which encountered a 162 meter thick reservoir with 41 API gravity oil. The Sehit Aybuke Yalcin Oil Field currently produces 10,000 barrels of oil per day which has been targeted to rise to 100,000 bopd⁵. The Eastern Block is also 12km from the Sehit Esma Cevik Oil Field, which contains a reported the 250 million barrels OOIP². The Sehit Esma Cevik Oil Field discovery was announced in December 2022 at which time 5 wells were producing 5,350 bopd and has been reported in May 2023 to be producing about 10,000 bopd². The exploration term for the Eastern Block extends until December 16, 2028.
Trillion Energy
Western Blocks
M46C and M46D
Central blocks farm-in are a combined area of approximately 30 km by 60 km and located approximately 30 kilometers west of the Eastern Block. The northern boundary of the Central Blocks is approximately 5 kilometers distance from the Raman Oil Field discovered in 1940 and which contains a reported initial 615 million barrels of OOIP³. The West Raman Oil field discovered in 1961 initially contained a reported 1.85 billion barrels of OOIP with peak production of 13,000 bopd³. Additionally, there are numerous other oil fields surrounding these two blocks. The exploration term for the Western Blocks extends until May 17, 2027.
1. UKOG Why SE Turkey & Basur-Resan Presentation, 2021 - https://www.ukogplc.com/ul/UKOG_Turkey_Slides%20_FINAL_190121.pdf
2. https://www.tpao.gov.tr/file/2212/en-sehit-esma-cevik-bilgi-notu-114363997195a6d60.pdf and https://www.tpao.gov.tr/file/2305/kamuoyu-duyurusu-eng-13416452d270cb2e3.pdf
3. Upper cretaceous carbonate reservoirs of the Raman Field, Southeast Turkey". Carbonates and Evaporites
4. Bati Raman Field Immiscible CO2 Application: Status Quo and Future Plans. Secaeddin Sahin, Ulker Kalfa, and Demet Celebioglu, TPAO. https://www.offshore-technology.com/marketdata/oil-gas-field-profile-bati-raman-heavy-oil-field-turkey/
5. https://www.reuters.com/article/turkey-energy-oil-idAFL1N3710DC
Recoverable and OOIP Volumes By Field Map
Trillion Energy
10 Well Work Program
Seismic acquisition
Phase 1
  • Exploration Phase
  • 400 kilometers of 2D seismic will be shot
  • Exploration cost approximately USD$4m
Phase 2
  • Exploration Phase
  • Two exploration wells will be drilled
  • Exploration cost USD$12m
  • Estimated cost USD$3m per well
Phase 3
  • Joint Exploration Phase
  • More exploration wells will be drilled
  • Joint exploration cost USD$4.5m
  • Estimated cost USD$1.5m per well - Net to Trillion
Phase 4
  • Joint Exploration Phase
  • More exploration wells will be drilled
  • Joint exploration cost USD$4.5m
  • Estimated cost USD$1.5m per well - Net to Trillion
Crude Oil Price (Brent, Europe - USD$)
Trillion Energy Crude oil chart
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